Our politics

PARTNERSHIP POLICY: Code of Conduct Guidelines

RESPONSIBILITY: Hromadahub  Board
DATE ISSUED: 1 September 2022
PUBLICATION STATUS: Internal use only


1.1.To state Hromadahub’s  commitment to conduct that is ethical, legal, and consistent with the organization's values and mission, and to outline and give general guidelines to all personnel for conducting themselves in a manner that upholds and maintains Hromadahub’s Core Values and Mission Statement, as well as the effectiveness and reputation of the organization.

1.2.This policy is designed to ensure that employees conduct themselves with dignity and respect towards one another, the children we work with and the community we engage with, to ensure compliance with child and adult safeguarding measures, to ensure full disclosure and to maintain the professional standing of the organization.


2.1.This policy applies to all Hromadahub  personnel, that is, all employees, board or advisory members, interns and volunteers of Hromadahub.

2.2.Effective Date.This  policy effective date is 1 September 2022.


3.1.Hromadahub is committed to conduct as an organization and by its personnel that is ethical, legal and consistent with its values and mission.

3.2.Hromadahub  opposes and does not act as a willing party to wrongdoing, corruption, bribery or other financial impropriety, or illegal acts in any of its activities.

3.3.Hromadahub takes prompt and firm corrective action whenever and wherever wrongdoing of any kind is found among its personnel.

3.4.Hromadahub  personnel are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that reflects honesty and integrity, and that maintains the effectiveness, values and mission of the organization.

3.5.These standards of conduct are maintained despite possible prevailing contrary practices elsewhere.      


4.1.The purpose of this policy is to guide Hromadahub  personnel in how best to conduct themselves in a manner that positively benefits Hromadahub   and respects the needs of others. It is intended to gain understanding as to what is commonly acceptable and appropriate behavior within Hromadahub  corporate culture and not intended to police staff, although it may be the basis for disciplinary action.

4.2.Employees in positions of management/leadership are entrusted by the organization with a greater responsibility regarding authority, visibility and accountability. When applicable, Managers are to invoke the Child and Adult Safeguarding Policy and reporting mechanism and immediately inform and consult with Legal if a potential breach of this policy has occurred and corrective action is required.        


5.1.While it is not possible to list all the forms of behavior that are considered acceptable or unacceptable, the following is a partial list of the kinds of behavior or conduct that are expected:
a)Treating others with respect, dignity and impartiality
b)Avoid practices which force or infer exclusion
c)Behaving in an honest, trustworthy and ethical manner
d)Maintaining appropriate office etiquette (this includes timeliness and adequate preparation for meetings)
e)Adhering to applicable laws and Hromadahub policies
f)Adhering to safety, security and health rules
g)Wearing appropriate attire that respects local custom and policy
h)Properly managing Hromadahub   assets, funds or other property, etc.

5.2.Some forms of behavior that are considered unacceptable, such as the partial list indicated below, may result in corrective action, up to and including termination of employment:
a)Unlawful or dishonest activities
b)Financial impropriety in any form, including (but not limited to) bribery
c)Sexual or other unlawful harassment.
d)Sexual conduct that is inconsistent with Hromadahub World Vision’s Christian values or e)inappropriate or potentially harmful to Hromadahub ’sWorld Vision’s work and reputation in the local contexts in which it operates.
f)Threatening violence or engaging in violent behavior in the workplace.
g)Theft, misappropriation or inappropriate removal or possession of any assets, funds or other property belonging to Hromadahub , a co-worker, or a vendor.
h)Showing favoritism (for example, showing an improper preference or allowing inappropriate factors to influence decisions regarding dealings with others, including suppliers, vendors, contractors and employees)
i)Hiring relatives, friends, or members of one's ethnic group to the exclusion of other qualified persons and/or without following established Hromadahub  policies and processes.
j)Falsification of records.
k)Being on Hromadahub  premises or at a Hromadahub  projects or activity under the influence of substances such as alcohol, drugs, etc., such that it impairs one's ability to function, puts the employee or others at risk, and/or has the potential to negatively impact Hromadahub  WV as an organization.
l)Use and/or possession of any illegal substances.
m)Negligence or improper conduct leading to damage of employer-owned or customer-owned property.
n)Disrespectful conduct.
o)Possession of dangerous or unauthorised materials such as explosives or firearms in the workplace.
p)Excessive absenteeism or any absence without notice.
q)Unauthorised use of telecommunications, including but not limited to telephones, mobile phones, fax machines, internet, video systems, mail system, Hromadahub   letterhead stationery or other employer-owned equipment.

5.3 The following principles of sexual behavior outline international standards for child and adult safeguarding and are considered an integral part of this policy:
a)Sexual exploitation and abuse by any Hromadahub   or humanitarian worker of any beneficiaries (adult or child) constitute acts of gross misconduct and are therefore grounds for termination of employment.
b)Sexual activity between any Hromadahub   or humanitarian worker and a child (person under the age of 18) is strictly prohibited regardless of the age of majority or age of consent locally. In such case, mistaken belief by any Hromadahub   or humanitarian worker regarding the age of a child is not a defense against corrective action or termination of employment.
c)Exchange of money, employment, goods, or services for sex (including sexual favors or other forms of humiliating, degrading, or exploitative behavior) is strictly prohibited and is grounds for termination of employment. This includes exchange of assistance that is already due to beneficiaries.
d)Sexual relationships between any Hromadahub   or humanitarian workers and beneficiaries are not acceptable and will not be tolerated since they are based on inherently unequal power dynamics. Such relationships undermine the credibility and integrity of Hromadahub ’s humanitarian aid work.

5.4 Where a Hromadahub   or humanitarian worker develops concerns or suspicions regarding sexual abuse or exploitation by a fellow worker, whether in the same agency or not, s/he must report such concerns via Hromadahub   established Hromadahub   reporting mechanisms.

5.5 All Hromadahub   workers are obliged to create and maintain an environment that prevents sexual exploitation and abuse and promotes the implementation of Hromadahub  ’s Code of Conduct. Hromadahub   Managers at all levels have particular responsibilities to support and develop systems that maintain this environment.

5.6.Hromadahub  personnel shall be free (and in fact are encouraged) to report evidence of conduct which violates or is inconsistent with the standards described in these guidelines, and all Hromadahub  offices shall adopt and adhere to policies and practices to guide their investigation of reported conduct and any resulting corrective action.

5.7 Such policies and procedures shall assure that this reporting can be done confidentially and without retaliation to the reporting person.

5.8 Hromadahub  (management or board, as appropriate) reserves the right to determine, at its sole discretion, whether an employee, volunteer, intern, or board or advisory council member has engaged in inappropriate conduct or behavior that may warrant corrective and disciplinary action up to, and including termination.


6.1 With regards to personal relationships between staff members, in particular between employees who have a direct or indirect business reporting relationship, it is strongly advised that managers take into careful consideration the effects that such involvements could have.
Hromadahub   generally refrains from any involvement in the private lives of individuals. However, there may be some circumstances in which it becomes necessary for Hromadahub   to counsel or caution where there is a conflict of interest or a negative impact on job performance. Furthermore, personal relationships of an intimate nature in the workplace can be potentially disruptive to job performance, may negatively impact others, may damage business relationships, and may have an adverse effect on careers and Hromadahub  ’s reputation as a harmonious workplace. Some behavior could be construed as harassment and thereby subject to the Harassment Prevention Policy. Therefore, it is important that employees exercise discretion and good conscience at all times when it comes to behavior and actions.

6.2 When working alongside other NGOs (e.g., Distribution Centers, etc.), it would be to Hromadahub’s interest to influence local management to adopt Hromadahub’s principles as specified in this Code in order to reduce Hromadahub’s risk.    


In 1 of September 2022, the Hromadahub    Board approved the Code of Conduct Guidelines. This document contains policy guidelines and standards consistent with and approved by the Minutes of the Hromadahub  Bord.